What To Do Without Likes

September 27, 2019

Social media platforms are always changing to give users a better experience. So, just when you are getting used to the changes to Facebook and Instagram, another major change is slowly coming your way. Crescere Digital is here to help you navigate through this change and understand what it means for the future of your social media profiles.

Instagram has been testing hiding the number of “likes” from users on posts other than their own. The platform began this test in April in Canada, and added six other countries to the list for this expanded trial. At the beginning of this month, some Facebook users began to notice that they did not see the total number of likes on their posts anymore, but could still see who “reacted” to their posts and how. Since then, Facebook has confirmed that it may start hiding the tally of likes similar to its acquired platform, Instagram.

What does this mean for social engagement?

Likes, comments and shares provide metrics for how well a post does on social media and how often you see posts from a particular user. With the possibility of seeing the number of “likes” disappearing, users will now need to comment and share far more frequently than “liking” a post for their engagement to matter.

How do you stay on top of this change?

Conversing with followers and other users by commenting as much as possible will help to rank your profile in the ever-changing social media algorithms. In other words, be as social as you can!

We understand that this is a lot of information, and that staying updated on every change can be very time-consuming. At Crescere Digital, we work closely with our clients to assure the best posts make their way to the target audience.

SOURCES: Tech Crunch, Social Media Today