A New Business-Friendly Change is Coming to Twitter

December 2, 2019

For businesses that use Twitter as a social media platform, managing multiple accounts will become easier. According to Social Media Today, a user recently noticed a function that allowed switching between accounts that looked similar to Instagram and Facebook’s profile-switching function. There is no timeline for when Twitter will fully implement this, but social media managers should be relieved knowing that this change will be coming soon.

Who Does This Change Affect?

Social media managers who handle multiple accounts need to stay extremely organized to make sure that social media posts are not published to the wrong accounts. There are certain tools that managers can use to browse and interact with relevant content from the different accounts. In addition to the interaction, these tools also help managers to participate in “social listening,” which means to keep track of any discussions about the brand and its competitors on social media. Although the tools are very helpful, they may not be the timeliest option. This change from Twitter will prevent managers from having to repeatedly log in and out to switch accounts which will save an ample amount of time.

What Will This Look Like?

If managers are logged into multiple accounts, there will be an arrow next to their profile picture. Once they click on the arrow, a drop down menu will appear listing the different accounts they manage which will look a lot like the Facebook Business Pages’ function. From here, managers will choose the account they would like to interact from and go on to “like” and “retweet” the posts relevant to that account.

Social media trends change rapidly and Crescere Digital is here to help you stay up-to-date on the latest changes. Our team implements the best practices into our social media services to ensure our clients are connecting with the right audience. Contact us to find out how we can help to elevate your business’s social media presence.

SOURCE: Social Media Today, HubSpot Blog