Creating Content For Digital Inclusion

June 9, 2020

Did you know there are over a billion internet users with a disability or other impairment? In order to reach this audience and expand your businesses reach, Facebook has provided some basic tips for digital inclusion.

Making your Facebook and Instagram content accessible to people of all capabilities ensures your message is seen or heard equally online.

Here are some items to consider during the creation of your content:

Simple Language – Use simple and easy to follow sentence structure for your written content. Avoid using all capitals as it can be more difficult for those with cognitive and learning disabilities.

Hashtags – Capitalize each word in a string following a hashtag; for instance, #FriendswoodDevelopmentCompany. CamelCase, as it is referred to, is easier for a screenreader used by visually impaired.

Emoji – Picture emojis have matching text that can be picked up by a screen reader. Avoid emoticons that use text “_(“/)_/“) as they are harder to decipher.

Color – Avoid placing text over pictures and instead place text on a high-contrast background.

Photos – Use alt text for photos to provide a brief description. Visually impaired individuals can utilize the screen reader to describe the image to them.

Animated GIFs – Strobing and flashing content can make it difficult to focus for people with cognitive and learning difficulties. Consider animated GIFs that flash no more than 3 times per second and last no longer than 5 seconds.

Audio and videos– Consider using text transcript for those with hearing impairments. This can also be beneficial for those watching in a noisy environment or where they can not turn on audio.

We hope this information assists you in creating accessible content for all of your current and potential followers.

SOURCE: Social Media Today